


Yet knowing how way leads on to way

已有 211 次阅读  2013-04-21 16:27   标签hardy  chaussure 
Style= " chemise burberry blanche;font-size:14px;" http://blog.myplainview.com/carolmcgill/2007/06/23/swimming-lessons-are-over/; >

Two roads diverged in a yellow woods


and sorry I could not travel both


And be one traveler, long  robe de soirée courte; I stood

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And looked down one as far as I could


To where it bent in the undergrouth


Then took the other, as just as fair


And having perhaps the better claim


Becouse it was grassy and wanted wear


Though as for that the passing there


Had worn them really about the same


And both that morning equally lay


In leaves no step had trodden black


I kept the first for another

day Couvre lit pas cher!


Yet knowing how way leads on to way,


I doubted if I should ever come back.


I  shall be telling this with  a sigh


somewhere ages and ages hence:


Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --


I look the one less traveled by,

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And that has made all the difference.



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没有了 下一篇: the driver drove to a nearby bus station

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