


正装的合身 herve leger sales

已有 338 次阅读  2011-10-23 19:36   标签herve  leger  bandage 


  正装标准的尺寸是从脖子到地面的1/2长,herve leger sales;袖子长度以袖子下端到拇指11cm最为合适;衬衫领口略高于西装领口,herve leger strapless;裤长不露袜子,以到鞋跟处为准;裤腰前低而后高,裤型可根据潮流选择,裤边不能卷边;这些均是穿着西装的基本搭配,体现正装的规范性。 衬衫和领带的搭配是一门学问,若搭配不妥,shop herve leger,有可能破坏整体的感觉,但是如果搭配得巧妙,herve leger clothing,则能抓住众人的眼光,herve leger bandage,而且显得自己别出心裁。领带永远是起主导作用的,因为它是服装中最抢眼的部分。一般说,应该首先把注意力集中在领带与西服上衣的搭配上。

每个男人至少应该准备一件可换洗的白衬衫,它和各种活泼的颜色或花样大胆的领带搭配都不错。永恒的时尚搭配是白色或浅蓝色衬衫配单色或有明亮图案的领带。这是永不过时的搭配。在服装搭配之道中,简单永远讨好,bandage dress herve leger。如果你对自己选择领带的品位不那么自信,就不要企图标新立异,herve leger for cheap。要知道,多数男人对于图案的感觉都不怎么样,herve leger online。不仅如此,你永远不知道自己“与众不同”的品位可能会引起什么人的反感。衬衫与领带的搭配在某种程度上还反映着你为人处世的老练程度。每位男士都应该至少有一件白色或浅蓝色的领部扣扣衬衫,herve leger dress

Herve Leger was founded in 1985 over the custom made currently recognized as BCBG. Herves. Leroux adopted his latest determine proper after he lost the rights to the Herves Leger name. Leroux pioneered the development from the "bandage" or "body-con (body-conscious)" dress,herve leger dress for sale, utilizing factors traditionally related with groundwork garments to create gowns that could mold and type the wearer's figure with its signature bandage-like strips.

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