


in the game through the listen

已有 141 次阅读  2013-05-01 13:50   标签hardy  vente 
Style= "font-size:14px;" > ralph lauren homme; creative teaching mode which are the important factors vetement paul smith? Some of my experiences to talk about their own, I think the English classroom teaching should pay attention to the "three live", live design - Live - live in class, "three", the scene - Thinking - AC. English teaching is very practical, communication, it also has the following characteristics of creative teaching mode: Fluency, flexibility, originality, perfect. To students as the main creative activities, under the guidance of teachers of communicative competence is the purpose of the subject. Therefore, teachers and students must handle well the relationship, the relationship between director and actor. Teachers create situations, students in the use of language in the scenario, the teacher makes students infer other things from one fact. Students to acquire language skills, the development of intelligence and ability, especially creative, and then explore the disambiguation in context, verbal communication abilities and creativity, I tried the following teaching link in the usual teaching: arousing → → → → King inspired to explore communication
Ⅰ.    live design interest
1. the song -
songs to its lively melody and sprightly rhythm active classroom atmosphere. To warm up before class, students can access to good learning state Christian Louboutin Mary Jane; for the lesson, students can eliminate the fatigue, mobilize the enthusiasm of the students. For the organization of teaching, the teacher announced class (class begins), students stand up (stand up) type in English language teaching organization pull away the distance between teachers and students. In peacetime can be selected by teachers and students were singing "Good morning to you" or "Hello chaussure Christian Louboutin, how are you?" English songs, it can eliminate the tension of the students before class, and to arouse their enthusiasm for learning. Singing English songs of the psychological characteristics of the students, help to motivate, train students interested in learning english.
2. games -
games can be entertaining, is a good way to arouse the students interest. Many games have a dramatic, role, which satisfies the students love to move, like the performance of their own psychological characteristics. I combine different teaching content make appropriate game. Such as: vocabulary teaching, I pay attention to students words slowly acquisition in a variety of games, rather than memorizing words. I to be master of words to pictures, etc. various forms to show to the students, the implementation of the whole lot of input memory, according to different students' characteristics, they will more or less remember different words. Not fully understand many words in their case Manolo blahnik chaussures, using a variety of forms of the game were infiltrated, such as Pass the card (Do the action pass card), (listening to do action), Find your friend (friends), Draw and Colour (draw and colour) and so on chemise ralph lauren, in the game through the listen, do more, repeatedly feeling, so in my mind the impression deepened, so that not only can let students enjoy to travel!

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