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ethics office if he planned any move that could affect him financially. Hagel's decision to sever his dealings and investments with Chevron were clearly dictated by the firm's extensive dealings with the Pentagon. According to government figures, Chevron received more than $500 million in defense contracts in 2012, ranking 78th among the department's largest corporate beneficiaries,cheap toms shoes sale. Hagel joined Chevron's board of directors in 2010 and made $116,000 in fees in 2012. He also has Chevron common stock worth between $100,000 and $250,000 according to his disclosure. Activists from both the left and right have questioned Chevron's recent involvement with repressive governments, including its plans to develop natural gas reserves in Turkmenistan and its pipeline work in Burma. One conservative non-profit interest group, the American Future Fund, took aim at Hagel's relationship with Chevron, asking in an attack ad: "How can Chuck Hagel run the Pentagon with so many ethical questions about his own record?" An insider's guide to politics and policy, available on the iPad or as a PDF download.[标签:标题]
By TOBY STERLING, Associated Press AMSTERDAM (AP) The Netherlands' Queen Beatrix says she will abdicate her throne in April to make way for her eldest son,toms shoes sale, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander. Here are some questions and answers about the Netherlands' House of Orange and how it's a little different than, for instance, the British monarchy. A DUTCH MONARCH CAN JUST UP AND QUIT? Absolutely. Unlike in Britain, where Queen Elizabeth holds religious titles and seems to see it as her duty to rule until she is no longer able, the Dutch monarch is more or less a government job only hereditary. The queen or king is the head of state and falls under the purview of the prime minister. Queen Beatrix is turning 75, and she's been in office for 33 years. There's really nothing in the way of her stepping down to enjoy her immense personal wealth and her hobbies, which include skiing and horseback riding. WILL SHE BE MISSED? There are a few republicans who want the monarchy abolished,toms shoes sale. But the large majority of Dutch probably even most republicans like the queen and think she has handled her role with grace and dedication. She has been part of Dutch lives for a generation, through national tragedies and triumphs. In casual conversation, people refer to her simply as "Bea." As former Prime Minister Wim Kok put it, when he heard the news she was stepping down: "I got goose bumps. You know it's coming, but still, it's the end of an era." Beatrix's abdication speech drew 7 million viewers out of a population of 16.8 million close to the 8 million who watched the soccer World Cup final the Dutch lost in 2010. WHO'S THE NEW KING? That would be the current Prince of Orange, Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand and those are just his first names. He's more commonly referred to as Crown Prince Willem-Alexander. The Dutch informally call him "Wim-Lex," which is a step up from "Prince Pilsner," the nickname the tabloids gave him during his boozy uni Related articles:

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