


rest Monday week.

已有 112 次阅读  2013-04-20 20:50   标签ceinture  prada 
Style= "font-size:14px;" > 2012 training, there are a lot of surprises, there are a lot of disappointment, the overall upward, 2013, continue to adhere to the.May adhere to the word, is the point I most proud of.

2012 years of salt horse, because of the weather and other objective reasons, and did not reach the target of 330, but in his heart has been secretly recognized the goal is reached, ha ha.But also found that the low level of their uphill running ability, lack of heat capacity.These two points, should be the focus of training in 2013.Advance despite difficulties ceinture prada, constantly learning progress.

uphill running ability, when it comes to top the most basic or heart and lung capacity, and muscular endurance.The new year, ready to test MAF180 exercise, aerobic base focus on the development, combined with more climbing training.Heat resistance without it, insist on long distance training in the summer, not because of the seasons as an excuse to give up.

throughout the year is divided into three stages:
14 month Porte-savon, based on aerobic capacity  .The main training objectives: LSD.Several of the horse and horse take.
59 month period, muscle strength.The main objectives of training: strength training  .Long distance half horse, try to slow the horse.
1012, speed competition.The main training objectives: intermittent running.Half horse + full horse alternately, daily strengthen the batch, in order to improve the rate of.

throughout the year to keep the core strength and calisthenics training, maintain a balanced development of the body.Always remember the physical ability promotion does not represent the health level, always adhere to the health as the basic premise.

training principle: according to
1, the training method of FIRST experiment and MAF180, weekly running at low heart rate (about 150) run the main building aerobic base, combined with the uphill running as improving means.
2, insist to use heart rate monitors with training, emphasizing the importance of monitoring and statistics.
3, every four weeks for a period of two weeks of basic training, arrangement, intensive training on Monday week, rest Monday week.
4, 10 a year - 12 / - ma.
5, continue to the body fat rate 10%, weight 65KG development.The annual target of 310 full horse.

specific plan (basic plan, daily execution can be cut):
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Monday               calisthenics (leg)                   &nb
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