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Sweden s Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reported Monday that China had overtaken Britain as the world s fifth largest arms exporter over the five-year period from 2008 to 2012. China had a 5 percent share of global arms exports, far behind leader the United States, with 30 percent, Russia with 26, Germany with 7 percent, and France with six.

We just interviewed Rep. Paul Thissen, who withdrew after the 5th ballot, leaving only Speaker Kelliher and Mayor Rybak in the hunt.? Thissen did not endorse one or the other, but noted either way it's going to be a Minneapolis Democrat winning?the endorsement. That's another reason that his odds of becoming a running mate to the eventual winner are slim -- two Minneapolis politicians do not a balanced ticket make.

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Only politicians convinced that only their voices should have opportunity to be heard (in what the rest of us thought was a democracy) can view Utah’s GOP caucus as anything other than denying the central principle of democracy: the right to vote.

“The recent statement HH the Amir gave to a leading German newspaper carried a strong message and he referred to many issues that need to be rectified.?? Related articles:

上一篇: a longer-acting growth hormone 下一篇: even after he raised $5 million for a re-election fight that now won t occur.

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