


In a new house

已有 98 次阅读  2013-04-20 07:40   标签desi 

How big should your electrical service be? That's the amount of power supplied to the main panel lined with circuit breakers that control everything electrical in the house. There's a big range, from older homes with a 60-amp service to new homes with 150- and often 200-amps. But like many construction questions, there is no pat answer.

The best choice depends on the house size, number of circuits, and how much power you might use, called the electrical load. You should also take into account any plans for expansion, an addition, an updated kitchen, even if it's years down the road.

Guidelines Checking local building codes, you'll find that a 100-amp service is minimum. But it should do in a modest-sized house that is not an electricity guzzler. In most cases that means oil or gas heat,wholesale designer handbags, not electric baseboards; a portable air conditioner in the bedroom, not central AC; a home shop with a few plugs for portable power tools, not a basement with large machines running on 220-volts. If the stove and clothes dryer are gas as well (most dryers are electric), a 100-amp service should even leave room for expansion. That's typically figured at about 25 percent- power not used that's available at the service, say, for an extra circuit in the kitchen to run new appliances like compactors and garbage disposals.

Electrical load Figuring this is best left to a licensed electrician. You could add the wattage ratings for every connected appliance in the house, and include about 3 watts per square foot to cover lighting and convenience outlets. But you might forget some, and there are caveats and some math. From the grand total of potential wattage used, the National Electrical Code allows deductions, in two different stages and amounts. Makes sense, because you don't need the capacity to run everything at the same time. But then you need to multiply that reduced number by 125 percent to build in a margin of extra power.

New house capacity In a new house, the electrical contractor, if not the architect,http://hottomsshoes.webs.com/, will probably spec a 200-amp service. That's enough to run large-capacity major appliances, central AC, plenty of plug-ins, plus room for extra circuits later on.

Old house capacity In an old house there are more unknowns, and work may have to include wiring outside the main panel, particularly if your home is vintage 1960 or earlier. The Department of Energy says that energy demand has increased 400 percent since then, maybe more than your wiring can handle. Estimates from an electrician are the way to go. But replacing a 100-amp service (new breakers, grounding, the works) could easily cost $1500, and upgrading to a new 200-amp service more like $2500. When should you upgrade? Here are four clear signs that you're ready. One, several outlets have adapters for more than two plugs. Two, the house has semi-permanent extension cords. Three, you unplug one appliance to run another. Four, everyday use trips circuit breakers.

Upgrading beyond the service In an older home your electrician may present a long list of upgrades for safety and convenience. But one rises to the top: The protection of GFCIs, ground fault circuit interrupters. They cut off power when there's a short circuit or overload, but do it nearly instantly at the outlet where there's a problem. They entered the National Electrical Code in 1968 to protect swimming pool lighting. Now they're required at outlets near water sources, for example, near a bathroom or kitchen sink.

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