


Look-Get Net The United States in 3 years old boy wit dial 911 to save injured f

已有 160 次阅读  2012-11-06 00:31   标签Supreme  Snapback  Hats 
Little courage Supreme Snapback Hats, the United States in 3 years old boy Hayes wit call emergency telephone, rescued wounded father in new network on 31 January, according to foreign reports 28 days, the United States of America Oregon Keizer area (Keizer) a 3 year old boy due to his father's sudden injury, wittily call "911", save his father's life, courage.
According to the report, in January 28th, the 3 year old boy A.J.Hayes (A.J. Hayes) father is home to do woodworking Video: beautiful 3 year old boy playing 911 rescue father telephone recording exposure sources: CCTV news channel live, was inadvertently tools open arm artery, suddenly bleed like a pig Supreme Snapback Hats.
Little Hayes saw this, call the emergency phone "911", he said on the phone, "hurry up!Dad needs help!"Then hang up the phone."911" and call-back telephone inquiry is the need to police or ambulance, Hayes replied "good".
Over the telephone, "911" the operator also heard Hayes's father because of pain and yell sound.Also, reports that, on the phone, Hayes continued to comfort the father, I hope he stays calm, tell him that everything would be all right Supreme Snapback Hats.
When rescue workers rushed to the scene, found Hayes's pale, bleeding heavily, with cabinet, almost lost consciousness, then he will be rushed to hospital.After bandaging therapy, Hayes's father had been discharged from hospital.
Hayes's uncle and grandfather are firefighters, his parents taught him "911" this number, father was injured, so Hayes calls is not a difficult, though Hayes is only 3 years old.Hayes said, "I just pick up the phone", "I'm very brave".
He said, "I told them (911 operator.) dad's hurt," my father said, "everything will be fine".Hayes's father said to his son, not to call for help, he could've died. "".> reports: parents have seriously
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