



胡丰原的主页 » TA的所有日志
  • 那些已逝的岁月,美好、痛苦、幸福、忧伤,如同所有的经历一样,在我们的态度中慢慢淡去,最后留下一辈子的回忆。当我们在为生活、学习、事业匆匆来回奔走和忙碌的时候,时光就一起和我们忙碌着、奔走着、匆匆地,如同昨夜的星辰、露水一闪而过,迅若流星, 普印力条码打印机 。于是我们在收获成就的同时收获苍老,在年华流
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  •   happy life institute, straighten their mentality.Everyone has emotional fluctuations, everyone will have the weak and strong side, and by their ability to judge, tsc , everything good and bad, each one has his own opinion, everyone has his own reason to this evaluation. People may not be ver
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    胡丰原 2012-07-10 12:54
    人活在这个世界上, 二维扫描枪 ,无非是为了使自己和家人更加快乐幸福而已。很多时候,我都是这样一个人静静地倚靠在窗抬上,两手托着下巴静静地聆听从音响里传来的歌曲,那仿如天赖的声音让我完全沉醉,我的思想,还有灵魂,都随着那让人着迷的音乐飘飞起来。我忘了世界,忘了一切,只顾漫游在音乐之音里…&hellip
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  • a person's character determines the destiny of a people , if you prefer to keep your character , intermec , then you have no right to refuse your fortune . Person's life no matter what hardships are experienced , others can not be replaced , m3 pda , because life is their own happiness pinned on
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    胡丰原 2012-07-08 12:07
    一个人的性格决定一个人的命运, 盘点机 ,如果说你喜欢保持你的性格,那么你就无权拒绝你的际遇。人的一生无论怎样艰难困苦,都必须亲身经历,别人是无法代替的,因为生活是属于自己的,不要把快乐寄托在任何人身上,快乐需要自己寻找。一个人做事若总是患得患失,顾前想后,那肯定会影响自己的判断能力,这并不是说是缺点
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    胡丰原 2012-07-07 10:12
    heart is very calm and would like to go out blow , spring blossoms , the outside should be under the drizzle at the moment I seem to feel very light , seems to have seen through , it may always feel the feelings of loss because of it, chat , find a topic , feel , and some did not , regardless of
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    胡丰原 2012-07-06 10:19
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  • mind by panning, and just want to lay quiet , watching the stars in the sky , watching the reflection of the ground , looking far from the street , datamax , listening ear near the sound . Would like some lazy text , but do not sleep in the past , do not want the cunning of time to sneak away . C
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  • Time flies year flies really fast in July is a hot summer day , I want to find the direction of the sun through the foggy , its own direction . Living such as full-length , not every one is very exciting , but there will be content ; such a work and study , vestido de novia , feelings of such a l
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  • 终于我明白了,于是我是幸福的,现在所拥有已乐在其中,足以。于感情,人们总是习惯想念故事以外的人.同人不同命,我只想把心态放平放稳,珍惜自己所拥有就是幸福。从前的那些故事结束了,在我的意料之内,我张开双臂用双手等着迎接属于我的全新故事的最完美结局!未来还有很多的路,天天晴天才是真;携手相伴最珍贵;挚爱
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