


温莎公爵夫人 herve leger bandage

已有 324 次阅读  2011-10-20 23:27   标签herve  Kardashian  leger 


  当温莎公爵遇见温莎公爵夫人(Duchess of Windsor)的时候,herve leger sale,有人问,herve leger online,你为什么如此爱她·他告诉所有人,herve leger bandage,“我爱她,只因为她独立,herve leger dresses,性格复杂到令人难以捉摸。”但是温莎公爵夫人却无法因为被爱而得到做皇后的资格,herve leger pink。 如同所爱的女人那样,温莎公爵所作的事情同样令人参悟不透,cheap herve leger dresses,他主动放弃了已在自己脚下的王座,旨在不抛弃心爱的女人,直到死亡,herve leger strapless

 温莎公爵将第一份卡地亚珠宝赠予温莎公爵夫人,由此定下了二人一生的传奇情缘,Kim Kardashian herve leger。红蓝宝石金图章戒指、装有57件名贵首饰的卡地亚珠宝盒、以及温莎公爵夫人最心爱的珍藏之物——一只为她专门打造的蓝宝石的“猎豹”胸针。杰出的珠宝设计师让娜·图桑根据温莎公爵的要求为公爵夫人特意设计及打造,并使温莎公爵夫人成为有史以来第一位佩戴动物造型珠宝的人物。从此以后,herve leger,卡地亚的动物造型珠宝主见成为了成熟高贵女性的首选,cheap herve leger

Herve Leger was founded in 1985 over the custom made currently recognized as BCBG. Leroux. Leroux adopted his latest determine proper after he lost the rights to the BCBG name. Leroux pioneered the development from the "banded" or "body-con (body-conscious)" dress, utilizing factors traditionally related with groundwork garments to create gowns that could mold and type the wearer's figure with its signature bandage-like strips.



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