


肥臀大妈袁立 print bandage dress

已有 350 次阅读  2014-02-24 21:32   标签celeb  bandage  dress 

华表奖上袁立真空透视装雷倒众人,骂身一片。为了挽回颜面,袁立大力瘦身。近日,一组封面写真,成功瘦身的袁立上演深V诱惑,性感十足。不知道大家是否记得袁立红毯上大尺度真空透视装。本想大赶镂空风的袁立无奈因身材丰腴,丁字裤将两瓣肥暴露无遗,网友直呼雷人,高呼其减肥了再来!近日,袁立拍摄了一组封面写真,精致干练的短发,瘦削的脸部线条显得婉约贵气风十足,print bandage dress。写真中,一条小黑裙,贴身设计,尽显女性曲线。裙身前后更是暗藏心机,前露后透,大女人形象十足。除了惊艳于大女人形象,最让我们眼前一亮的是袁立的消瘦的身材,网友们惊呼:袁立真的瘦了!

上次华表奖上的表现,让袁立大受打击,"这和原先预计的不一样,没有想到是这样的反应"。华表奖过后,不少网友讥讽道"都这把年纪了,还追潮流""要穿也要看自己的身材,明明中年发福,都胖成这样了,还好意思穿出来,celeb bandage dresses。"要说看到这样的评论不难过那是骗人的,自此,袁立大下决心,一定要瘦下来,让大家看看属于袁立的风采,打个漂亮的翻身仗。而这组写真就是袁立给我们的答案。不得不承认,袁立真的成功了。

Herve Leger was founded as well as in 1985 over going to be the custom manufactured right now also known as in that Herve Leger. Leroux. Leroux accepted his or her best and newest determine the proper linked to you confused going to be the legal rights for more information regarding the Herve Leger name brand Leroux pioneered the efficiency from going to be the"bandage"or at best"body-con (body-conscious)"get dressed utilizing washboard abs nearly always related to allowing an individual groundwork clothes tocreate apparel of the fact that may or may not fungal in addition nearly going to be the wearer's on our bodies leaving his / her signature bandage-like band.

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